An 8-bit ANSI colour - an index into the terminal's colour palette.
Used by certain functions to determine if they should only output an ANSI sequence, or output their entire sequence + data.
A basic implementation that uses the GC for memory storage.
A basic implementation using malloc backed memory.
A basic implementation using a static amount of stack memory.
Used to determine if an AnsiColour is a background or foreground colour.
An enumeration of standard 4-bit colours.
Defines what type of colour an AnsiColour stores.
A list of styling options provided by ANSI SGR.
An enumeration used by an AnsiText implementation to describe any special features that AnsiText needs to mold itself around.
PUBLIC HELPERS ++ Determines if CT is a valid RGB data type.
Creates an AnsiTextLite from the given text. This function is mostly used when using the fluent UFCS chaining pattern.
Enables ANSI support on windows via SetConsoleMode. This function is no-op on non-Windows platforms.
Executes the SGR sequence found in input, and populates the passed in style based on the command sequence.
Constructs an AnsiSectionRange from the given slice.
Converts any suitable data type into an AnsiColour.
Contains any type of ANSI colour and provides the ability to create a valid SGR command to set the foreground/background.
Contains a 3-byte, RGB colour.
The resulting object from AnsiSectionRange, describes whether a slice of text is an ANSI sequence or not.
An input range of AnsiSections that splits a piece of text up into ANSI sequence and plain text sections.
Contains any number of styling options from AnsiStyleSgr, and provides the ability to generate an ANSI SGR command to apply all of the selected styling options.
Contains an AnsiColour for the foreground, an AnsiColour for the background, and an AnsiStyle for additional styling, and provides the ability to create an ANSI SGR command to set the foreground, background, and overall styling of the terminal.
Contains a string that supports the ability for different parts of the string to be styled seperately.
A lightweight alternative to AnsiText which only supports a singular coloured string, at the cost of removing most of the other complexity & dynamic allocation needs of AnsiText.
The character used to denote that the sequence is an SGR sequence.
The sequence used to reset all styling.
The string that starts an ANSI command sequence.
The amount to increment an Ansi4BitColour by in order to access the background version of the colour.
The character that delimits ANSI parameters.
Utilities for writing and reading ANSI styled text.